I had just moved in and was (and still am) between my old place at camp, which has hot water, and this new place, which still has no hot water. Other than my fruit bowl and compost bin, there is no food here and I've not done much food prep in this kitchen. There were no signs of visit earlier as this 5th wheel trailer unit I've moved into just arrived at camp last week. Thus, this is a new visit and a new place for my forest friend, who I prefer remain a "forest" friend.
A few weeks back I blogged about how I deal with insects as a vegan, and wrote, "luckily, I've not had to face ant swarms or rodent invasions in my place. If I do, you'll probably read it on the blog as I cross that ethical vegan dilemma when the time comes." Well, the time has come. How DO I as a vegan deal with this new dilemma?
At work last week, our camp's Executive Director asked me to pass the message on to our Associate Director that we need more rat poison. If I were to ask the camp for assistance on what to do, I know what their response will be as there has been evidence of increased invasion in other staff resident trailers. (That was a nice thing about my old residence - it was a house not a trailer.)
In moving from a house to a trailer, I've been needing to downsize and make decisions about what to keep, what to store, what to give away what to bring to my parent's place as I will be living there part-time and here at camp part-time when in school (the reason I'm switching residences at camp).
Like most folks, I have a shlew of pots, pans, et al. The night before "the visit", I had just moved a crate of some essential cookware I thought I might need. The cookware was actually in a crate right in front of the stove when I see the eyes looking at me. While moving the crate, removing the metal grate, and covering the entire stove top with cutting boards, I decided to simply leave the crate packed and bring it to my parent's place. And in that moment I decided I will not be cooking here and with that made another decision.
How do I as a vegan deal with the problem of rodents? Become a raw food vegan. (or at least, a raw food vegan while here at camp... for now.) The vegan-me adventure continues. Stay tuned.